The vineyard


Our home, the place where we were born and to which we will always return. One of the most important wine regions in the international market and of course in Spain. A unique Denominación de Origen, for what it represents in the world and for what it means to our family. The region is located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula and stands out for having a particular microclimate, with a strong Atlantic and Mediterranean influence, which makes it ideal for growing grapes.


In just a few years, Ribera del Duero has become an international reference, a prestigious Denominación de Origen where tradition and innovation coexist. Located in the northern subplateau of the peninsula, in the Duero River basin, its climate is demanding and extreme, giving rise to very characteristic wines that stand out for their body and structure. The great diversity of areas within the Denominación de Origen allows for rich and diverse viticulture.


Navarra is one of the Denominación de Origen with the most tradition and history in Spain, which during the last decade has experienced exponential growth in international markets. Located at the northern end of the peninsula, Navarra is surrounded by mountains, which generate a Mediterranean microclimate slightly cooler than usual. The great variety of soils within the Denominación de Origen offers great diversity, a highly appreciated quality to produce wines with a unique personality.


One of the emerging jewels of Spain, a Denominación de Origen that has managed to position itself in a very short time in the main markets around the world. Located at the eastern end of the peninsula, its privileged position and warm climate give its wines a fresh and elegant style, very adapted to current trends. Its large number of subzones and soil types allow for dynamic and innovative viticulture.


Recognized worldwide for its great winemaking tradition, and with a clear international focus, Castilla is one of the regions with the greatest presence outside of Spain. Located in a central position in the Iberian Peninsula, its warm climate and lower rainfall give the wines a fruity and elegant style. Its great production capacity and the wide diversity of grape types that we can find in the region offers a unique opportunity to produce small jewels.



Además de ser la más antigua, Rioja fue la primera Denominación de Origen en recibir la categoría de “Calificada”, que actualmente solo ostentan Prioriat y la propia Rioja.

La Denominación de Origen Calificada Rioja se divide en 3 zonas: Rioja Alta, Rioja Oriental y Rioja Alavesa. La mayoría de nuestros viñedos se encuentran situados en Rioja Alavesa, que está localizada en el extremo norte de la Denominación.

La predominancia de un clima atlántico y de los suelos arcillo-calcáreos crea unas condiciones inmejorables para el cultivo de la vid, que dan lugar a vinos con una alta mineralidad y un gran potencial de envejecimiento.



In addition to being the oldest, Rioja was the first Denominación de Origen to receive the “Calificada” (qualified) category, which is currently only held by Prioriat and Rioja itself.

The Denominación de Origen Calificada Rioja is divided into 3 zones: Rioja Alta, Rioja Oriental and Rioja Alavesa. Most of our vineyards are in Rioja Alavesa, which is in the extreme north of the Denominación de Origen.

The predominance of an Atlantic climate and clay-calcareous soils creates unbeatable conditions for growing vines, which give rise to wines with high minerality and great aging potential.



A pesar de ser una de las Denominaciones de Origen más recientes, la gran calidad de sus producciones ha situado a Ribera del Duero en una posición privilegiada en muy poco tiempo.

La orografía de Ribera del Duero es el resultado de su climatología extrema, dominada por inviernos muy fríos y veranos muy calurosos, lo que ha otorgado al paisaje las lomas y valles que lo forman.

Los suelos principalmente calcáreos y la gran amplitud térmica, provocada por la elevada altitud de los viñedos, crean una particularidad idónea para el cultivo de la vid, que da lugar a vinos de una complejidad y concentración excepcionales.



Despite being one of the most recent Denominación de Origen, the high quality of its productions has placed Ribera del Duero in a privileged position in a very short time.

The orography of Ribera del Duero is the result of its extreme climate, dominated by very cold winters and very hot summers, which has given the landscape the hills and valleys that form it.

The mainly calcareous soils and the great thermal amplitude, caused by the high altitude of the vineyards, create an ideal characteristic for vine cultivation, which gives rise to wines of exceptional complexity and concentration.



La producción de vino en Navarra se remonta a varios siglos atrás, cuando la gran cantidad de peregrinos que recorrían el Camino de Santiago, muchos de ellos franceses, fomentaron el consumo y producción de vino en la región. Situada a medio camino entre Rioja y Burdeos, Navarra presenta unas condiciones climatológicas inmejorables para el cultivo de la vid. Conocida mundialmente por el cultivo de la garnacha, la mineralidad de sus suelos y la frescura de su clima hacen que otras variedades como el Tempranillo o el Chardonnay tengan también un estilo complejo y elegante y un gran potencial de guarda.



Wine production in Navarra dates back several centuries, when the large number of pilgrims who traveled the Camino de Santiago, many of them French, encouraged the consumption and production of wine in the region. Located halfway between Rioja and Bordeaux, Navarra has unbeatable weather conditions for growing grapes. Known worldwide for the cultivation of Grenache, the minerality of its soils and the freshness of its climate mean that other varieties such as Tempranillo or Chardonnay also have a complex and elegant style and great aging potential.



El cultivo de la vid en Valencia se remonta varios siglos atrás, habiendo ganado en importancia durante las últimas décadas, apoyado por la alta calidad y el reconocimiento internacional de sus elaboraciones. La influencia del mar Mediterráneo, que baña directamente sus costas, y las montañas que limitan con el resto de la península en el extremo oeste, dan lugar a un microclima muy característico, único en España. Esta posición privilegiada, junto con la gran variedad de suelos, principalmente arcilloso-calcáreos, otorgan a sus vinos una personalidad única muy valorada en los mercados internacionales.



The cultivation of grapes in Valencia dates back several centuries, having gained importance in recent decades, supported by the high quality and international recognition of its preparations. The influence of the Mediterranean Sea, which directly bathes its coasts, and the mountains that border the rest of the peninsula in the extreme west, give rise to a very characteristic microclimate, unique in Spain. This privileged position, together with the great variety of soils, mainly clayey-calcareous, give its wines a unique personality highly valued in international markets.



El cultivo de la vid en Castilla ha sido la actividad principal de la región durante varias décadas, llegando a ser considerada como una de las principales regiones vitivinícolas de todo el mundo. Su clima cálido, con una gran cantidad de horas de sol, junto con la escasez de lluvias y la predominancia de un suelo calizo-arcilloso, crean unas condiciones idóneas para la producción de vinos de gran calidad. La elaboración de variedades internacionales, tales como el Cabernet Sauvignon, el Merlot o el Chardonnay, ha permitido que Castilla tenga una gran presencia en los principales mercados internacionales.



Vine cultivation in Castilla has been the main activity of the region for several decades, becoming considered one of the main wine regions in the world. Vine cultivation in Castilla has been the main activity of the region for several decades, becoming considered one of the main wine regions in the world. The production of international varieties, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot or Chardonnay, has allowed Castilla to have a great presence in the main international markets.